Blonde d'Aquitaine, relatively young
Blonde d'Aquitaine is a cattle breed that is among the meat-type varieties.
It is a relatively young breed, which has its own studbook since 1963.
It is a relatively young breed, which has its own studbook since 1963.

As the name suggests, the breed finds its origin in the southwestern French region of Aquitaine.
Until 1920 there were three sub-races in Aquitaine and surroundings;
namely the Garonnaise around the river Garonne between Agen and Bordeaux,
the Quercy and the Blonde of the Pyrenees at the foot of the western Pyrenees.
By combining these breeds and crossing them with a few other breeds, such as the Limousin and
Charolais, a meat breed was created that could combine unique characteristics.
namely the Garonnaise around the river Garonne between Agen and Bordeaux,
the Quercy and the Blonde of the Pyrenees at the foot of the western Pyrenees.
By combining these breeds and crossing them with a few other breeds, such as the Limousin and
Charolais, a meat breed was created that could combine unique characteristics.
Blonde d'Aquitaine can easily calve because the calves of this breed are small in size compared
to other meat-type breeds. In addition, Blonde d'Aquitaine have a good weight and can live off
a meager ration. Animals of this breed can grow until they reach an age of 5 to 6 years,
in these 5 to 6 years bulls can reach a weight of 1500 kilos and cows a weight of 1100 kilos.
Because Blonde d'Aquitaine can survive on a sober ration, have little calving problems and cows
of this breed have good Mother properties, Blondes are good at grazing nature reserves.
to other meat-type breeds. In addition, Blonde d'Aquitaine have a good weight and can live off
a meager ration. Animals of this breed can grow until they reach an age of 5 to 6 years,
in these 5 to 6 years bulls can reach a weight of 1500 kilos and cows a weight of 1100 kilos.
Because Blonde d'Aquitaine can survive on a sober ration, have little calving problems and cows
of this breed have good Mother properties, Blondes are good at grazing nature reserves.
Kind regards Pierre
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Kind regards Pierre